The Tooth Corner | Cosmetic Dentist Dundas
The Tooth Corner Dental Offices in Ontario Canada

Cosmetic Dentistry Dundas , Ontario

Cosmetic Dentist Dundas

Looking for a cosmetic Dentist in Dundas ? Tooth Corner Dental Office Chain brings you the best cosmetic dentistry solutions. The modern practices have made it possible to enhance smile, correct any existing defects to bring a new personality to our clients. We provide ethical and affordable price. Our motto is to ensure patient satisfaction, without compromising with the quality. All cosmetic procedures for smile correction, are practiced as per best clinical practices code. We provide the following services .Your Dundas Dentist at The Tooth Corner Dental Office will make sure that you get the best dental treatment for a wonderful smile.

Teeth Whitening

If you want to make your smile look better, then teeth whitening is the answer. Smile enhancement is widely adopted to make smiles better. People notice smiles on a face. A beautiful smile not only impresses people but wins a lot for you. A brighter and whiter smile leaves a long standing positive impression. So why  explore more with Tooth corner ? Our clinical practitioners will do a thorough dental check up and provide you with the vest advice for the procedure.


Tooth bonding is very helpful in treating chipped or broken tooth. Any permanent addition  of dental material to the existing or remnant tooth by using special tooth adhesive to provide long term durability and functionality, is known as tooth bonding. Bonding gives a different dimension to make the tooth set look better. A chipped or discolored tooth can be made to look better by adopting this technique and high quality material. The use of composite resin in bonding helps in shaping and polishing the damaged portion to subsequently match the teeth which is not affected. The process can also be used to treat any cracks or to provide shape or discolored tooth. Our qualified dentists at the Dundas Dental office adhere to the clinical best practices which ensure

Porcelain Veneers

To smooth out an uneven smile , porcelain veneers work wonders. This is a painless procedure which brings a beautiful smile makeover , if the tooth are crooked or broken or have developed in a complex way. Badly stained tooth can also be treated by veneers. The affected tooth are custom filled by the porcelain veneers. Our dentists make sure the whole procedure is completed in as little visits as possible.

Smile Makeovers

If you don’t like how your tooth set look like , then our complete smile make over packages will help you gain a beautiful smile and confidence. After a thorough dental check up, our cosmetic dentist decides the procedures  that will bring back the best smile to your face.  Taking help of dental veneers,  tooth implants, composite bonding, teeth whitening and other available techniques we will make sure that you get the desired outcome. While our experienced clinical staff do the consultation , several factors are considered such as skin tone, facial appearance, teeth (color, length , width, shape and display), hair color, gum tissue and lips etc. This is a wonderful mix of science and arts to reconstruct your smile to give you the best results.

Dental Implants

To restore a missing tooth, and prevent further damage Dental implants are use. Not only the issue of self image , but also functional limitations are evident in people who have lost teeth. To deal with these issues dental implants  are a good solution. If you are looking for dental implant solutions in Dundas , look for Tooth corner clinic and we have all you need to ensure the look and functionality.

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