The Tooth Corner | Dental Hygiene – The Right Way to Brush Your Teeth
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Dental Hygiene – The Right Way to Brush Your Teeth

Brushing your teeth is perhaps the most important part of dental care routine. In fact, if you ever visited a dentist as a child, you may remember that this is the first thing that they inquire about. Since an early age, most of us are taught about the importance of brushing our teeth twice a day. However, do you know that brushing the right way is just as important? In other words, if you are doing it improperly, it is almost as bad as not brushing at all!

Let’s take a look at what happens inside the mouth when you reluctantly brush your teeth, and your attention wanes from thorough brushing.

Importance of Proper Brushing

There are about 300 different kinds of bacteria in an average person’s mouth. When you don’t brush your teeth or fail to do so properly, these bacteria get to work. They breakdown the food particles and sugary tidbits stuck between the teeth. This leads to the production of plaque in the mouth and ultimately to teeth cavity, gum disease, and other dental problems. Excess plaque can also cause chronic bad breath, which not only is an indicator of poor dental hygiene but can be a setback for your personality.

When you fall short of brushing thoroughly, these bacteria multiply at a frightening rate, sometimes, causing irreparable damage to your teeth. An easy way to prevent this from happening is to make sure whenever you brush your teeth, you do it right! Scroll down to read all about the right way to brush your teeth in just 3 easy steps.

Step 1 – Pick the Right Toothbrush

You can’t do this without the right tools in hand! So make sure you use a good quality toothbrush and get hold of the right toothpaste to keep your teeth and mouth in optimal health. When it’s time to pick a toothbrush, go for a brush with nylon bristles and steer clear of those “natural” toothbrushes made out of animal hair. This is important because such toothbrushes can quickly retain bacteria, forcing you to replace it more often.

It is also important to consider the softness of the bristles. It is recommended to go for a toothbrush with nylon bristles that are neither too soft nor too hard. If the bristles are too soft, your toothbrush may be ineffective in removing the plaque. On the other hand, when it is too hard, it can damage the gums and even the tooth enamel! Also, make sure that your toothbrush easily fits in your hand and offers a good grip to allow thorough brushing. Lastly, the size of an ideal toothbrush should neither be too small nor too big for your teeth and mouth. Remember, half of the time, an inadequate toothbrush is the culprit behind improper brushing, so make sure you don’t make this mistake and choose only the best brush to keep those teeth sparkling.

Step 2 – Pick the Right Toothpaste

It is easy to imagine that all kinds of toothpaste are alike. However, that’s far from reality! According to the experts, when it comes to choosing toothpaste, go for the ones that have sufficient fluoride. It is important to understand that fluoride works for your teeth in more than one way. Like any other toothpaste, one with fluoride will work just fine to keep the plaque buildup off your teeth, leaving a refreshing taste in your mouth.

While any common toothpaste may be able to do that for you, fluoride toothpaste comes with an added advantage – it will not only fight plaques and cavities for you but it also protects the enamel, making your teeth strong and healthy. You can also get toothpaste that targets a specific dental problem like sensitivity or stains. If you are still unsure about which product is best suited for you, bring this up during your next appointment at the dentist’s office. Your hygienist or dentist can offer advice about the right way to brush your teeth and help you pick the right toothpaste.

Step 3 – Brush It Right!

So you have got all the right tools. Now it’s time to get down to business and get those teeth shining! Point the bristles in the direction of the gum, holding the brush at a 4-degree angle. Start by brushing the molars, far back in the mouth, and gradually move in a clockwise direction.

Make sure that you gently move the brush back and forth over the teeth in a circular motion with short strokes. Once you are done brushing the chewing surface and the front side of your teeth, it’s time to clean the inner surface. Vertically tilt your toothbrush and brush the inner surface of front teeth using short and gentle, up-and-down strokes.

Finally, don’t forget about the tongue. It is important to realize that just like teeth; your tongue can retain a lot of bacteria. In fact, sometimes, it is even possible to see a white film covering the tongue. This makes it important to brush your tongue in order to get rid of bacteria and keep your mouth smelling fresh. An easy way to do that is to stick your tongue out and clean it with the toothbrush using soft strokes.

Make sure you brush for at least 2 minutes. While 120 seconds do not seem like much, most people hardly ever invest this much time in brushing their teeth. Remember, getting and maintaining dental hygiene is an ongoing journey.

The 2 minutes you spend on your teeth can go a long way. So make sure your attention never wanes from thorough brushing. Also, don’t forget to floss!


The Tooth Corner | Dental Hygiene – The Right Way to Brush Your Teeth

Dr Hassan El Awour


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