The Tooth Corner Dental Offices in Ontario Canada
Bit Coin

Canada’s First Dentist to Accept Bit Coin

By : on : 19th April 2016 comments:(0)

What does dentistry have to do with Bit Coin you say? What does currency have to do with anything? When’s the last time you’ve held a bunch of dollar bills and what is their true worth? Cryptocurrency, or digital currency, a new outlook on economics, is selling cells in a spreadsheet that are to be mined! A term used to denote the decryption of a function, which typically takes the right server with the right graphics card 10 minutes to break. Once the function is solved you’ve mined a Bit Coin which you put up for sale in return for Canadian or US Currency. I’ve personally bought my first Bit Coin and others like Ethereum. I purchased my Bit Coin at around $550 Canadian dollars.

There are thousands of these digital currencies, and the term can be misleading, a Coin gives the feeling of something physical, but don’t forget the Bit that proceeds it, it’s a digital thing, a play of 1’s and zeros. At the end of the day what matters is that Bit currency is trusted by many celebrities and investors who are worth Billions today and are the backbone of Bit Coin.

Bit Coin, How it Works?

It’s quite simple really. If you understand Bit Coin, you understand that you carry your coins in digital wallets with unique addresses. The address to your cell in a spreadsheet with many of them. You upload an app, and we upload Bit Pay on our mobile device and we allow you to pay in Bit Coin by scanning a Bar code on your phone.

The Tooth Corner Dental Offices is a chain of dental clinics throughout Southern Ontario in Canada, home to the cities of Mississauga, Scarborough, Brampton, Etobicoke, Brantford, Dundas, Stoney Creek, and more. The Tooth Corner at Central Pkwy Mall in particular, the chain owned by Entrepreneur and Dental Surgeon, Dr. Hassan El-Awour accepts Bit Coin today. Dr. El-Awour practices at Central Pkwy Mall, which also still operates under the name Dr. Hassan El-Awour Dental Office at Central Pkwy Mall.

The Tooth Corner is open to inquiries regarding Bit Coin at


Dr Hassan El Awour


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