The Tooth Corner Dental Offices in Ontario Canada

A brief introduction to Root Canal Therapy

If you are wondering about root canal therapy and whether you might need it , this article is going to give you a fair idea. There are plenty of information out there about the root canal therapy out there. However this is an humble attempt to present facts in a simple way. The root canal therapy commonly known form of endodontics treatment is meant to curate the roots of a diseased or infected tooth and save the physical tooth from further damage. if root canal therapy is not performed on a diseased teeth , eventually it may reach a stage of extraction.

When is the root canal therapy is indicated ?

Indications of root canal therapy is when there is substantial toothache resulting from infection of the root canal of the teeth. This may also result from decay or fracture of the tooth. If a patient has deep cavities and severe  infection in the root, that will result in either pulling of the tooth or root canal therapy. There could be instances of accident or trauma due vigorous physical activities  as well. If several tooth procedures have been performed on the teeth , or has old dental fillings that may also indicate in root canal therapy.

To a considerable extent many of the above mentioned causes can be prevented by being attentive or careful. In case of trauma the best option to avoid further dental damage, root canal therapy should be performed. Along with healthy dental habits must be practiced.  Wearing a sport guard is advisable when performing any physical activity.

Every case is different. Hence your dentist at the Tooth corner dental office plans a custom treatment which is least invasive and suits best to restore and make the teeth functional. During a general endodontic procedure is planned, the patient is informed about the whole procedure. Two to three visits may be required by the patient to the dental office. The patient receives a local anesthetic to make the area numb. Further to this a dental dam is placed around the area of the teeth which has to be curated. This is to prevent any kind of infection. The endodontist makes a small drill to gain access to the root canals. The access is then enlarged and cleansed of the diseased part comprising of the nerves and vessels. Finally the canal is filled with a special material. Then a crown is placed to seal off the hole made in the tooth for access.

Root canal therapy is a very successful treatment and has a good prognosis.


Dr Hassan El Awour


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