The Tooth Corner | Oral Hygiene and Care Before, During, and After Pregnancy
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Oral Care During Pregnancy

Oral Hygiene and Care Before, During, and After Pregnancy

By : on : 20th May 2017 comments:(0)

For women, pregnancy is a very special phase of life. There are several changes which take place in the body and mind. Pregnancy impacts the whole body and mind and special care needs to be taken during this phase. Oral care and hygiene is of importance for pregnant ladies. In our previous article we had spoken about special care for oral cavity during sickness. In this article we shall discuss the needs of a pregnant woman and how they should be addressed.

During pregnancy a woman’s body goes through a series of continuous hormonal changes. This in turn increases the risk of swollen gums and infection and can have adverse affects on the health of the developing baby.

Oral health before pregnancy:

If your pregnancy is planned, then it is better to visit the dentist and get your teeth examined and cleaned. Professional advice from your Dentist can help with preventive care for teeth and oral hygiene and prepare you for better care during pregnancy.

Dental care during pregnancy:

When pregnant, it’s advisable to visit your dentist and inform her about it. Routine dental care can be performed by the dentist anytime during the pregnancy. If any emergency care is needed the dentist should be informed as well. If planning to visit your dentist during your pregnancy, the Gynecologist or Obstetrician should know about it, as they might have some special advice or information to give you that needs to be passed on to the dentist.

The complete list of medications and perinatal vitamins must be disclosed to your dentist. If a dental X-ray is planned, the dentist will be extremely careful to cover your abdomen and thyroid to safeguard you and the developing baby.

Periodontal diseases are common during pregnancy, so a series of scheduled dental appointments are advised. If suffering from morning sickness, rinsing your oral cavity after vomiting is advised. Sometimes the dentist might advise you to use bland toothpaste as well.

While taking all these precautions, a healthy balanced diet is highly recommended.

Post pregnancy:

After delivering the baby, if any dental discomfort or gum related issues are experienced, it should be shared with your dentist. A detailed check up for further corrective actions should be planned as well.

The Tooth Corner | Oral Hygiene and Care Before, During, and After Pregnancy

Dr Hassan El Awour


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